Monday, November 1, 2010

Stops spam in phpBB forum (1)

Many of the persons in charge of the phpBB software allows you to run a discussion forum, which allows users to interact with each other. PhpBB has many pro: it's free, it offers a good looking and comfortable interface for users and is relatively easy to install and maintain. In addition, phpBB is so widely used that, should you encounter a problem, chances are that someone else has encountered the same and the solution is available online. Because these programs are, as its name suggests-written in PHP, you can easily change it to suit your needs by installing third-party mod.

OK, so what are the drawbacks? 2-I think the biggest one in the series is the lack of spam protection. Sometimes, one of the problems with regard to user attempts to run over zealously to promote their sites, but the most important threat is the automated robots. If you are viewing this page, you've probably noticed that the version of the standard phpBB 2 Government keeping clean, spam is almost impossible.If you do not know what I am talking about, you'll need to install phpBB and brought to the attention of some simply higher PageRank/European high-traffic links, which refer to the Forum. does not take a long time ...

This article contains advice for those who run how to stop junk mail 2.x. the Government of the United States to offer XX-phpBB, or at least a majority of its. So let's get to it. Please note that we do not phpBB 3-series, such as has not decided to update my forum it yet.

My experience suggests that the problems of spam comes from two main sources. Is the first, and generally in line with those of the worst robots, which contain links to an astonishing amounts without logging the user's account, the messages are posted. They simply hit the tables, I hope that they allow guests to post.

One way to deal with this is, of course, that was sent to the logging off. However, many boards specially reduced traffic in that cannot be selected. Posts and traffic to get as far as possible, it is a good idea to make a posting to make it easy for you.So, how do I allow guests to post, but to keep unwanted junk mail at the same time?

To reach a solution, we must remember the roots of the problem.Why do spammers spam? They simply want to advertise a product or service, normally by posting links to various websites, but sometimes you will be sent to the other contact information, such as your phone number if we prevent contacts. posting, we prevent spam-the vast majority of honest, but still allow users to post without registering.

My favorite tool just this is bbAntiSpam: n free links Rejector.It prevents sent posts that contain links, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and so on. If all of your contacts, links Rejector displays a message prompting the user to delete contacts and send the message again. Robots are not very clear, does not do this, and will be treated as junk e-mail messages should never be sent.

Links Rejector stop something like 99% of spam in my phpBB 2 on board. In addition, however, improve efficiency, to install links Rejector made two changes to it, which is a good idea to also consider adding

My forum Gets a lot of spam is Russian.I do not have the contents of a Russian, I filter sent posts in exotic places, which are usually these messages but not in others. [1] [2] As my forum is not in English, can I check the sent posts, since the common English words such as "and unto you."

So, contact information, some exotic characters and English words start my Spam filter.The result? > 25 spam posts From day zero. Not Links Rejector nor my mod filter posts for registered users. If someone wants to send links or something else, which is prohibited as from the end of the filter, they simply register and do what they want.Guests must continue to be subject to the freedom of expression, albeit in a slightly more limited form.

Posting commercial messages through quite a lot of the most irritating problem, take care of the above arrangements, the spam robots, you can still see the limited amounts of spam, it is part of the people, but out of those individual messages should not be a problem in the crop rotation to the robots as compared to the flood risk caused by.Thus, we can move to the next question-accounts to log on to the robots.

To prevent automatic registrations for the account is a good number of reasons. first of all, it stops the spammer's robots-posting account registration protection recently installed on a user's sent to ignore.Secondly, it gives a realistic idea of how many Members really is, and to facilitate the establishment of a platform for maintenance.It also reduces the spammers get robot-campaigns, making their lives a little bit more difficult to restore.

Usually there are two reasons why Spam-robots will be able to sign up for accounts. we have just covered in the first, which allows the posting of the tables that do not allow Guest posting or filter somehow activities undertaken by the guests.The second reason is that the default phpBB allows users to incorporate in their site a link to their profile.Therefore, spammers will be able to register accounts with thousands and thousands of tables, to promote their sites PageRank.

The first idea should links to delete user profiles.Unfortunately, this will remove only the ownership to the spamming-it will not stop spam, many of the robots do not. [1] [2] the intelligent, simply move, they register anyway.Another negative aspect is that if the taking off of the links, you are punishing and legitimate users.

In this scenario, the second free is used, that is to say, a textual confirmation bbAntiSpam. When it is installed, you can disable CAPTCHA, phpBB, killing nearly all crawlers. Textual confirmation is simple to distinguish between humans,. Robots to a simple question is asked during the registration. This is something, such as "what is the language used in the Forum?" or "In the alphabet, the letter appears after A what?"

It is clear the objective is to make all with the human mind can respond to the question, in fact, the question could even provide the answer to what is important is., that the questions are unique to the site, so that the robots may not rely on databases commonly used questions to provide an answer.

Please note that links Rejector and textual confirmation mod free versions automatically sends you an e-mail message when they attempt to stop spamming. This additional annoying rather quickly. [1] [2] so that it does not become a problem, the full version of the user or, in accordance with the instructions given here.

This article describes how to install these two mod should be quite a lot to stop phpBB 2 on Board may be sent to you, the individual spam spam messages., which remains unable to process you can and your moderators in the same way as offensive posts will be deleted. This makes the game between you and spammers 1-0, but your toes have-one never knows what they might come to the next.

Targeting search engine marketing

Search engines are not exactly low and far between. Since one of the only put some effort in the search engine marketing is important to know what the search engines focus-and what to forget. After analyzing a couple of sites in the logs at the end of the procedure, and keep an eye on other reports, I've become rough, how the average search engine traffic to your site can be shared.

This assessment, paid traffic, for example, the search engines-Google AdWords-through, be taken into account.In addition, in meeting the average website assumes that the site content is in English. [1] [2] if the site is in another language, you may sometimes see the Search engine traffic in order to adapt them to local search engines, in addition to the mentioned here come from a significant part.

Google's importance, it is difficult to yliarviointiin.80% of the total Search engine traffic is a conservative estimate-in many sites, the proportion is over 90%, regardless of the exact number of the site. [1] [2], it is clear that Google should all search engine marketing campaign, the main focus. Enter the pages as they just try to get Google to see you in a good rest of the investment.

At the outset, it may also be affected by a pleasant, that Google dominates the search engine for the most part, in so far as there are in the market; this means you have only one set of rankings to worry about right? Unfortunately, it also means that, as set out in it or not, most of his or her own eggs are in one basket. Optimize, but be careful, such as changes in the Google ranking is an extreme impact on traffic.

Waiting for reply from Google Images offers comfortable transport on the block the image-heavy sites. [1] [2] you will also see the Trickle OF AOL, if Google offers through the search results.

Although Microsoft connection Windows Live (aka MSN Search) is a minor player compared to Google. By using the Windows Live reveal Google-like appearance with a fairly accurate results.When you take into account the resources to Microsoft, as well as the fact that they clearly you have done their homework, when is created, Windows Live, something might come out of this search engine in the future.

Active or not yet further, that the conditions governing the placing on the market of Windows Live will aggressively enforce its intellectual property rights, which has already cornered one competitor to it.My Proposal is to keep an eye on how it will grow, but with little time to invest in the optimization.

I've combined with Yahoo and AltaVista from one source, as both draw results from Yahoo's database.Together, they hold the share of the market, which is a small, but it is, however, some of its importance in the context of the majority in this pair. traffic comes via Yahoo expects individual visitors from AltaVista every now and then, but no more.

This estimate includes traffic from Yahoo search engine and Yahoo folder.Listed in the directory appears to improve Yahoo sent quite a few listed above by itself can necessarily give but by adding the ranking in Yahoo's Search site, the number of visitors.Even taking into account the effect of the volume of traffic, this is, however, the relatively low.

It should be noted the smallest fish is Ask.In the same way as Yahoo Altavista connection Type provides Lycos results.The latter results in a very visible properties to pay, so even a good Search engine marketing tricks does not open the top spots on your behalf, unless you are willing to open the wallet as well.

I hate is a pessimist, but I do not see a lot of opportunities for future growth Type/Lycos Search traffic to sites, which establishes their marketing strategy to optimize instead of buying traffic through search engine.

It is clear the Google rules the market and everyone else is a boned. search engine on combating a marketing campaign plan should be to please Google at the same time, all the costs., you ensure that your site is noticed by the search engines do the simple things the rest of the link popularity grow and add content to. because they also help Google, in the case of hitting two birds with one stone.

Also, remember that Google is currently in Search of undisputed champion, but at the same time, the situation may remain forever. search engine, Google started a small which shall be replaced by slowly most of the other. [1] [2] it is quite possible that very moment a new player is emerging that will eventually replace Google. changes in these logs To track and respond to them.

Tool time Friday | Fire. FM

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And for those that don't like toolbars, you can customize it or delete it, if you want to move the player. [1] [2] buttons in the StatusBar and all Fire. fm-options are also available from the main menu.
Fire is a perfect piece of LAST.FM for Firefox.

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