Fire LAST.FM lets you use last.FM, a comprehensive music library. Last.FM provides free radio in the USA, the UK, and Germany, as well as in the rest of the world Subscriber-based service. Listen to your favorite music and discover new artists in the process.
Fire. FM is last.FM, direct access to a comprehensive music library.
-Listen to music on your favorite artist or genre, and Discover new artists and music in the process.
-Listen to your friend your favorite music. users, who are your musical taste to find similar to your own.
-Add tags to artists, tracks, and listening to the albums.
-Use your favorite stations quickly by typing only a few letters in the location bar.
-Auto play feature starts playing when you close Firefox repeats the last drive.
And for those that don't like toolbars, you can customize it or delete it, if you want to move the player. [1] [2] buttons in the StatusBar and all Fire. fm-options are also available from the main menu.
Fire is a perfect piece of LAST.FM for Firefox.
Please listen to!
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